Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Perception of Social Media...

My personal perception on social media is that it is neither a fad or the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution. I do not believe that it is fad because it is too integrated into our society to disappear and it is not as big a shift as the Industrial Revolution simply because social media is an indirect result of it. Effects from the Industrial Revolution are still being "felt" today. Everything was effected by it whereas Social Media has effected merely a portion of what we use today. For example, transportation. Transportation made a huge advancement from the 18th to 19th century due to the Industrial Revolution. During this time the introduction of trains, cars, airplanes took place and has since continued to grow and prosper to this day. Social media cannot hold this claim because it has had very little to do with the growth of the transportation industry. I do not deny that social media has had some effect but comes nothing compared to what the Industrial Revolution was able to do. As for communication Social media has taken what the Industrial Revolution started and simply put "ran with it". Social media has done a lot to change how we see things but unless it is able to effectively change or improve on what we use today as a whole I do not believe it can achieve what the Industrial Revolution did.


  1. Hey There 67, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one that thinks it's neither a fad or a revolution but something in between - like a delicious Oreo cookie

    but seriously - in my opinion - the current state of social media is more like a stepping stone to something much bigger and better

    best of luck

  2. i never really thought of it like that, but you make a good point. however we can't say how much things can change within social media as a movement, it could incorporate alot to do with transportation in the future. for instance i wouldnt be surprised if bus passes, plane tickets, car rentals or sales, or any other kind of transportation method couldnt be done online? you can order pizza online, no need for a phone anymore.

  3. I like your point of view, it's true that Social Media has not done enough in such a short time to change how we view the world around us. But, I haveto say it is changing the way employers are hiring...I guess this is not as relevant as the industrial revolution.

    Good point!
